The COVID-19 pandemic has heightened the discussion of teaching effectiveness and student retention. This study analyzes the survey and in-depth interview data from 65 College Corps student interns attending a Christian liberal arts college and a Hispanic Serving Institute (HSI) in SoCal. The preliminary findings suggest the importance of combining in-person mentorship (a sounding board) with experiential learning and how the institutional emphasis on student-focused environment needs to be inclusive of students of diverse background.
Hien Park, Associate Professor, Vanguard University of Southern California
Hannah Golob, Student, Vanguard University
Karla Espinal, Student, Vanguard University
The student demography in higher education has gone through changes such as a decline in student enrolment, an increase in the non- traditional students and student diversity. In addition, the Covid-19 Pandemic outbreak in 2020 led to a learning shift from face to face learning environment to online and distance learning environments then back to face to face. This paper seeks to establish strategies that will create a self-motivating learning environment for the dynamic learner
Mary Mutisya, Assistant Professor, USIU-Africa
The focus of this presentation is the way in which Westcliff University has integrated real world consultancy opportunities to C-suite executives of start up and small companies across the globe. Utilizing the skills of our faculty and the diverse perspectives of students from over 96 countries, we have successfully provided robust solutions to challenges and executable plans to 67 companies from 370 students in just two years.
Raef Assaf, SMART Coordinator, Westcliff University
Diana Siganoff, Associate Dean, College of Business, Westcliff University
Hannah Golob, Student, Vanguard University
Karla Espinal, Student, Vanguard University of Southern California
Mary Mutisya, Assistant Professor, USIU
Raef Assaf, Professor, Westcliff University
Diana Siganoff, Associate Dean, Westcliff University
Makiko Imamura, Vice Provost for Institutional and Educational Effectiveness, Saint Mary's College of California