In 2019, Western State College of Law was facing an uncertain future when its parent institution began the process of teaching out its programs. This workshop tells the story of how Westcliff University partnered with the law school at a pivotal time to successfully navigate an acquisition with multiple regulators and effectively integrated systems, processes, and personnel to preserve the college’s 50+ year legacy for 11,000+ alumni and generations of law students to come.
Matthew Hubbs, Vice President of Strategic Initiatives and Institutional Effectiveness, Westcliff University
Susan Keller, Professor of Law, Western State College of Law at Westcliff University
As institutions become Hispanic-Serving, many must adapt to truly serve their Hispanic students (Petrov & Garcia, 2021) such as by improving diversity efforts and fostering belonging amongst students (Love, 2009; Campbell-Whatley et al., 2021). A campus climate assessment administered at a small, private, non-profit university tested this idea and revealed improvements over time, along with troubling areas. Underlying trends and improvement mechanisms for emerging HSI institutions are explored through survey and focus group findings.
Priscilla Ziegler, Educational Effectiveness Specialist, Vanguard University of Southern California
Amanda Lebrecht, Dean of Student Development and Success, Vanguard University of Southern California
Renea Brathwaite, Dean of Professional Studies and Chief Diversity Officer, Vanguard University of Southern California
John Kim, Associate Director of Institutional Research, Vanguard University of Southern California
Ludmila Praslova, Professor, Graduate Organizational Psychology & Accreditation Liaison Officer, Vanguard University of Southern California
Mia Kim, Adjunct Professor, Vanguard University of Southern California
Katelynn Allam, Student Research Assistant, Vanguard University of Southern California
Aaron Collier, Student Research Assistant, Vanguard University of Southern California
Susan Keller, Professor of Law, Western State College of Law at Westcliff University
Priscilla Ziegler, Educational Effectiveness Specialist, Vanguard University of Southern California
Amanda Lebrecht, Vice President of Student Development, Vanguard University of Southern California
Renea Brathwaite, Dean of Professional Studies and Chief Diversity Officer, Vanguard University of Southern California
John Kim, Associate Director of Institutional Research, Vanguard University of Southern California
Ludmila Praslova, Accreditation Liaison Officer, Vanguard University
Mia Kim, Adjunct Professor, Vanguard University of Southern California
Katelynn Allam, Student Research Assistant, Vanguard University of Southern California
Aaron Collier, Student Research Assistant, Vanguard University of Southern California
April Marshall, Professor of Hispanic Studies, Pepperdine University