Date & Time
Friday, April 4, 2025, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Theme: Curriculum & Co-Curriculum: Development and Implementation of Innovative Approaches
Matthew Reynolds, Provost, Humphreys University
Presentation 1 Title
One Student Affairs Division's Experience of Implementing an Equity-Centered Co-Curriculum for Student Success
Presentation 1 Description

How does an inaugural director bring about change to an established division of student affairs? In this session the Director of Co-Curricular Learning, Educational Equity, and Assessment at San Jose State University will recount her experience implementing broad co-curricular and assessment changes within a complex organizational context. Attendees will learn about the collaborative process of curriculum development, creative strategies for implementation, and methods for working through conceptual and logistical challenges.

Presentation 1 Speaker(s)

Lezlee Matthews, Director of Co-Curricular Learning, Educational Equity and Assessment, San Jose State University

Presentation 2 Title
The UCLA Cluster Program: An Innovative Model for General Education
Presentation 2 Description

UCLA’s Cluster Program offers a first-year experience designed to fulfill GE requirements while fostering critical thinking, collaboration, and interdisciplinary learning. The program includes a full year of writing-focused courses centered on "Big Idea" topics. The Clusters enroll one-third of the incoming first-year class annually and the program strives to incorporate best pedagogical practices, particularly benefiting underrepresented minority (URM) and first-generation students. Recent assessments indicate that participation in the program narrows performance gaps and improves academic outcomes. The success of the Clusters has led to discussions about expanding the program's innovative practices across the GE curriculum. This presentation will provide an overview of the program and the findings on equity and student performance.

Presentation 2 Speaker(s)

Anthony Friscia, Director, UCLA Cluster Program and Associate Professor of Teaching, Department of Integrative Biology & Physiology, University of California, Los Angeles
Jen Hirashiki, Assistant Director for Shared Governance, University of California, Los Angeles
Leigh Harris, Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Education Initiatives, UCLA Division of Undergraduate Education, University of California, Los Angeles

Session Type
Concurrent Session