Offering effective professional development for faculty assessment leaders is one of the desired goals, especially in assessment in higher education. Do we learn from the lessons each time? Is there any evidence to tell us more about what works or what doesn’t work? In this session, we will discuss how we use technologies to develop an evidence-based professional development model for preparing assessment leaders, and share the lessons we learned and ideas for future improvement.
Amy Liu, Department Chair, California State University Sacramento
Chia-Jung Chung, Professor of Education, California State University Sacramento
Lee Simpson, Director of Honors Program, California State University Sacramento
A fledgling Data Governance Group found that increased emphasis on using data and evidence for decision making resulted in an uptick of data requests, particularly from faculty. In this conversation we will share a decision tree for faculty data requests and give examples of data collaborations with faculty members. We hope this will be useful to institutions facing similar issues and will invite the audience to share similar experiences and solutions.
Rosalind Ram, Associate Academic Vice President for Curriculum and Assessment, Brigham Young University–Hawaii
Kathy Pulotu, Institutional Research Manager, Brigham Young University–Hawaii
Chia-Jung Chung, Professor of Education, California State University, Sacramento
Lee Simpson, Director, GE Honors Program, California State Univeristy Sacramento
Rosalind Ram, Associate Academic Vice President for Curriculum and Assessment, Brigham Young University–Hawaii
Kathy Pulotu, Institutional Research Manager, Brigham Young University–Hawaii
Joanna Simpson, Program Director/Associate Professor, United States University