Dr. Lisa Holliday LeBoeuf is the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and Associate Provost of Academic Operations at Reach University. In her role, she oversees and supports the development and implementation of curriculum in the foundational year of learning, supporting faculty leads and professors of practice with course content, innovative and strategic planning, and quality assurance. She previously served Reach faculty and candidates as the Literacy Faculty Lead as well as a professor and course developer for the Teachers College. Prior to her tenure at the university level, Dr. LeBoeuf served in a leadership role at a state agency as the Supervisor of Literacy Professional Development for the Louisiana Department of Education where she led the work on statewide initiatives for professional development for teachers and leaders and family literacy engagement. She also has over fifteen years of educational experience, including time as a classroom teacher and instructional coach in a rural, economically disadvantaged district. Through her range of work, Dr. LeBoeuf strives to support potential and current educators and leaders by modeling how to develop safe spaces for learning and growing together as professionals and people.