In 2023, San José State University was the only West Coast university admitted into Cohort Three of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities Student Success Equity Intensive (SSEI) program. Completing its first year in “.. a comprehensive multi-year initiative designed to help institutions close the equity gaps of their Black, Latinx, Indigenous, and low-income students”, SJSU has developed three goals that support equitable student success (a) Review the University Catalog for equity, (b) Process map the student experience for equity, and (c) Create a student equity plan with specific goals for each of our 9 colleges, while aligning the work with the university’s strategic plan (Transformation 2030). We share the challenges, opportunities, and best practices arising out of our focus on student centered institutional transformation, prioritizing success for all students.
Priya Raman, Director of Assessment, San José State University
Shonda Goward, Associate Vice Provost, San José State University
This presentation will explore how Reach University's apprenticeship program leverages evidence-based practices to drive equitable student success in rural, underserved communities. We will discuss how our program addresses the teacher shortage through a "grow-your-own" approach, providing opportunities for local individuals to earn teaching degrees while gaining practical experience. We will delve into the challenges and opportunities associated with this model, sharing insights and best practices for institutions seeking to implement similar programs.
Anastasia Wickham, Provost & Chief Academic Officer, Reach University
Lisa LeBoeuf, Dean, College of Arts & Sciences / Associate Provost of Academic Operations, Reach University
Historically, SJSU students were dropped from classes due to overdue balances. This enrollment cancellation process continued several weeks into the term, resulting in students scrambling to re-enroll in dropped classes. This led to delayed degree progress and frustration among students and faculty. SJSU began a re-examination of this process in Fall 2020. A cross-division working group discussed competing considerations, evaluated student data, and proposed a new enrollment cancellation process to support equitable student success. Implemented in Fall 2023, we have been able to preserve enrollment for over 800 students, without significant financial loss. We are happy to share this positive example of supporting student success.
Melinda Jackson, Dean of Undergraduate Education, San Jose State University
Shonda Goward, Associate Vice Provost for Undergraduate Advising and Success, San José State University
Anastasia Wickham, Provost & Chief Academic Officer, Reach University
Lisa LeBoeuf, Dean, College of Arts & Sciences / Associate Provost of Academic Operations, Reach University
Melinda Jackson, Dean of Undergraduate Education, San Jose State University
Mohammed Ghazal, Director of the Research Institute for AI and Emerging Technology, Abu Dhabi University