Date & Time
Friday, April 19, 2024, 5:15 PM - 6:45 PM
Towards a Cohesive College Educational Experience - Student Affairs and Academic Affairs Learning Outcomes Assessment Partnership and Best Practices @ SJSU

San José State University’s Directors of co-curricular and curricular assessment of student learning outcomes present work done towards a shared vision for our students, integrating holistic educational learning and assessment both within and outside of the classroom. As primary building blocks, we advocate for greater collaboration, communication, and consistency between Student Affairs and Academic Affairs learning outcome development and assessment via (a) embedding equity centered assessment principles in our work, (b) aligning the work with the university’s strategic plan (Transformation 2030), values, and mission, and (c) promoting a culture of inquiry and reflection, and collaboration between the Divisions. Given SJSU’s MSI, AANAPISI, and HSI status, we draw upon frameworks such as the ¡Somos SJSU! and the Advancing Black Student Success Report to center the knowledge and cultural values of our students in our assessment practices.

Session Type
Tracks ARC2024