Date & Time
Thursday, April 18, 2024, 8:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Workshop: Embedding Workforce Preparation In The Undergraduate Experience

University instructors and administrators don’t always acknowledge their role in preparing the next generation of professionals, but students, their families, and — with the adoption of the 2023 Standards – WSCUC are increasingly and rightfully demanding change. Institutions can and should respond by highlighting the myriad ways they position their graduates to succeed and flourish in the workplace. Attend this workshop to learn about three impactful approaches to workforce preparation we have implemented at California State University, Stanislaus: a careers course for majors, a course that teaches students how to apply design thinking principles to shape their future lives, and a program that transitions incoming students from on-campus research experiences to paid, external internships. Join us to discuss challenges and implementation strategies, and brainstorm ways to adopt similar activities at your own campus!

Session Type
Pre-Conference Workshop