Full Name
Cassie Adams
Associate Dean
Reach Teachers College, Undergraduate

Cassie Adams currently serves as the Associate Dean at Reach Teachers College, Undergraduate. As an Arkansas girl through and through, Cassie Adams’s heart beats to the rhythm of the Ozarks, but life has a way of weaving unexpected paths. Today, she finds herself in Tennessee, just minutes from the state line where Arkansas and Tennessee converge—a symbolic meeting point of her past and present. Her journey in public education has been multifaceted as she has stood at the front of the room, igniting young minds with curiosity; guided an entire school community toward excellence as they became a National Model PLC School; crisscrossed Arkansas, sharing best practices and fostering growth as a state practitioner assisting in developing and sustaining professional learning  communities through school culture and practices; and now, within the virtual halls of Reach University, Cassie imparts wisdom to aspiring educators through their clinical residency and supports Professors of Practice.

"Get better, not bitter- Be coachable, instead of unteachable, and always be more reflective than deflective."

Cassie Adams