Date & Time
Wednesday, April 2, 2025, 8:00 AM - 10:30 AM
WSCUC Workshop: Getting Ready to Submit Your Eligibility Application

Since 2019, institutions must complete a consultation with staff responsible for the Eligibility process for approval to apply for WSCUC Eligibility.  This workshop is required of all approved institutions prior to submitting their WSCUC Eligibility application to pursue accreditation. The workshop will provide an overview of the application process including: the benefits of WSCUC accreditation; preparation strategies; review steps; an examination of each of the Eligibility Criteria; and steps following the granting of Eligibility to achieve Initial Accreditation. Participants will reflect on features of successful applications, consider possible timelines, and have an opportunity to ask questions prior to expending time and resources on this demanding process. Consideration is given to the wide range of types of institutions that may apply and how the process may be adapted to each.

Session Type
Pre-Conference Workshop