Full Name
Theresa Ennis
Director of Assessment and Accreditation
National University College of Law and Public Service

Theresa Ennis has a Doctor of Philosophy: Education Exceptional Learning/Program Planning and Evaluation. Ennis has 25 years of experience in higher education in technology and engineering and served as the Director of Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness at a Carnegie class-research large institution. Ennis has collaborated on program curriculum, assessment, and IE for all programs, planned action items for curriculum, courses, and support services. Ennis led an interdisciplinary team to design a 5-year plan for the success of adult learners, shown to make significant gains on enrollment, student performance and support, and career development. Ennis currently serves as the Director of Assessment and Accreditation for the College of Law and Public ServiceĀ at National University and is proficient in project management, team collaboration, program planning, evaluation, best practices in curriculum for teaching and learning, scaffolding programs and courses, and integrating educational technology.

Theresa Ennis