Full Name
Bonni Stachowiak
Dean of Teaching and Learning, Professor of Business and Management
Vanguard University of Southern California

With a range of qualifications and roles at Vanguard, Dr. Stachowiak brings a depth of knowledge and experience to her teaching. Dr. Stachowiak’s experience in the franchise industry and in computer training contributes to her desire to find ways to help people continually develop their strengths and contribute to organizations’ successes. What truly centers Dr. Stachowiak’s vocation is her genuine love for teaching and learning. She finds immense joy in creating collaborative and inclusive learning environments where everyone feels valued and able to contribute. 

Since 2014, Dr. Stachowiak has aired weekly episodes of her podcast: Teaching in Higher Ed. Bonni’s perspective on teaching and learning is further shaped by her role as a parent. Together with her husband, Dave, they are raising two curious children whose inquisitiveness consistently influences Bonni’s approach to education. 

Dr. Stachowiak enjoys her many roles in life—podcast host, academic leader, professor, and parent—all of which fuel her passion for teaching and learning.

Bonni Stachowiak