Sharon B. Hamill, Director of Engaged Learning, California State University, San Marcos, earned her Ph.D. in Social Ecology from the University of California, Irvine where she was a NIMH Pre-Doctoral Fellow. She is a former Professor of Psychology/Child and Adolescent Development and Academic Senate Chair. Her research focuses on youth caregivers and how palliative care can alleviate suffering and promote higher quality of life for patients and their families. Dr. Hamill has held many CSUSM assessment positions including the Director of Academic Assessment, the GE Assessment Coordinator, and the campus Accreditation Liaison Officer; she is a proud graduate of Cohort IV of the WSCUC Assessment Leadership Academy. Dr. Hamill is a past recipient of the President’s Award for Outstanding Service, the Harry E. Brakebill Distinguished Professor Award for excellence in teaching, research and service, and a current recipient of the California State University Faculty Innovation and Leadership Award.