Lori Beth Way is the Vice Provost of Academic Planning and Dean of Undergraduate Education at San Francisco State University. She also serves as the university’s accreditation liaison officer. She joined SF State in 2015 as Associate Dean of Academic Planning and started in her current positions as interim for two years and then permanent. Prior to her time at SF State, she served as Senior Advisor for Undergraduate Education at Emerson College and was an American Council on Education (ACE) Fellow in 2012-2013. Dr. Way was a Professor at California State University, Chico where she was deeply involved in shared governance and General Education redesign. As Vice Provost of Academic Planning and Dean of Undergraduate Education, she oversees the Institute for Civic and Community Engagement, the Undergraduate Advising Center, the Tutoring and Academic Support Center, Gator Smart Start, the Bulletin, General Education, the First Year Experience Faculty Director, assessment, accreditation, articulation, and academic program review. She also led or is currently leading several grants from the Teagle Foundation, College Futures, Keck Foundation, and Stupski Foundation.