Dr. Rania Saeb currently teaches Philosophy: Critical Reasoning both online and in the blended format at the Ontario campus. She has previously taught Capstone, as well as Written Communication I and II. She has been the co-lead of the Philosophy 341 Learning Community since 2017. In addition, she supervises teacher candidates through their credential program.
Dr. Saeb has presented at several local and national conferences, including the 2022 AERA Annual Meeting. She was also part of the organizing committee for the WCU Week of Wellness.
Dr. Saeb has a Bachelor of Communication degree, a Master of Arts in Comparative and International Education, a Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership and an International Counseling Certification.
Dr. Saeb’s research interests include cultural identity formation in youth, as well as culturally proficient teaching for teachers of K-higher education. She continues to publish content in this research area and beyond. She consistently seeks to develop herself as an educator in order to apply her learning in her classroom and within her field.