Full Name
Steve Miller
Saint Mary's College of California
Steve Miller (Ph.D. in Kinesiology; University of California at Berkeley) is the current Dean of the Core (2021-present) and former Chair of Core Curriculum (2018-2020) at Saint Mary’s College of California. His oversight as the Dean of the Core includes Chair of Core Curriculum, Director of Collegiate Seminar, Director of January Term, and other co-curricular programs. During his time as the Chair of Core Curriculum, he spearheaded a program review that highlighted both the opportunities and challenges of the core curriculum. Reflecting on the program review outcomes and the recommendations from the external reviewers, he identified priorities as a guideline for the core curriculum revision. In his first year as the Dean of the Core, Dr. Miller led the broader undergraduate curriculum revision that resulted in the institution to adopt the Carnegie credit hour policy, redefined parameters for the size of BA and BS degrees, the developmental renumbering of courses, realigned academic calendar, and revised time blocks all in an effort to allow for students to have a cleaner path toward graduation.
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