HSI funded projects have increased significantly in the past decades. Institutions are committed to enhancing the learning experiences of students. Those projects have birth novel initiatives with significant impact on student learning. Institutionalizing those projects beyond the life of the grant and consequent structural changes are often common challenges institutions face. This presentation discusses how a private liberal art university leverage its HSI funds for curriculum development and structural change.
Silvia Neves, HSI Project Director, California Lutheran University
Taiwo Ande, Senior Associate Provost, California Lutheran University
This workshop is an interactive experience that exposes participants to several tools to design more inclusive and equitable classrooms. The Office of Innovation and Digital Excellence for Academic Success (IDEAS) designed a Community of Practice development opportunity for faculty to hold space for honest conversations about racism and other forms of oppression. That same space was used to design testable prototypes for classroom change and an inclusive syllabus. Participants will leave with course design tools.
William Hardaway, Instructional Designer, California State University, Fresno
Bryan Berrett, Director, Office of IDEAS, California State University, Fresno
Mara Brady, Associate Professor, California State University, Fresno
Cory Cowan, Research Analyst, California State University, Fresno
Taiwo Ande, Senior Associate Provost, California Lutheran University
William Hardaway, Instructional Designer, California State University, Fresno
Bryan Berrett, Director- Office of Innovation and Digital Excellence for Academic Success, California State University, Fresno
Mara Brady, Associate Professor & Chair, California State University, Fresno
Cory Cowan, Research Analyst, California State University, Fresno
Debra Jackson, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dean of Academic Programs, California State University, Bakersfield