Full Name
Florence Grolleau
Language and Culture Studies Director
Universidad Popular Autonoma del Estado de Puebla
Florence Grolleau has been the head of the School of Language and Culture Studies at UPAEP, Puebla, Mexico, since 2015. She has taught ESL, French as a second language and content subjects working in the languages field for over 22 years. She is in charge of the Oral Communication GELO and a founding member of the Gen Ed Task Force at UPAEP. She holds a Master in Foreign Languages from the University of Provence in France, a Master in Application of New Technologies in Education from the University of Barcelona in Spain, a Master in Management of Educational Establishments from the university of Deusto in Spain, and a diploma in Applied linguistics update from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Besides teaching English, as the head of the department, she has acquired experience in teachers’ training, recruitment and program assessment.  
Florence Grolleau