Mark Goor, Vice President, has over 40 years of experience in education as a teacher and administrator in public schools, and in higher education as professor, Dean of a College of Education, and Special Assistant to the Provost. As professor, Mark published books and articles on special education, taught assessment at George Mason University, and taught team facilitation in the doctoral program in Organizational Leadership at the University of La Verne. For 20 years, he has been active in accreditation activities, leading teams for NCATE reviews and participating on WSCUC visiting teams and interim report teams. Additionally, Mark is a graduate of the WSCUC Assessment Leadership Academy. Mark has a BS in Speech Pathology from the University at Albany, MEd in Special Education from the University of Denver, and a PhD from the University of Virginia in Special Education Leadership. For WSCUC, Mark oversees ALO activities, including new ALO Orientation and the ALO Forum at ARC.