Date & Time
Thursday, April 3, 2025, 3:15 PM - 4:15 PM
Improving a Four-Phase Process for Assessing Institutional Level Outcomes

Assessment leaders tend to have clear processes for measuring student outcomes at the program level; but the process for measuring university outcomes is far less clear. Is it desirable to gather evidence for the ILOs across all college/schools at a university? Is it even feasible to require all schools/colleges to align each program with the ILOs?  If the programs are not required to align with the ILOs, are they more like aspirations, rather than Institutional Level Outcomes?  This presentation describes the process we used at California Baptist University to measure ILOs. We designed rubrics for each ILO, identified student work across the schools, calibrated raters, and asked program leaders to develop improvement plans based on the outcome data.

Session Type
Concurrent Session