A comprehensive programmatic data analysis process to formulate goals, outcomes, action plans, and follow-up assessments is key to support accreditation needs and the institutional effectiveness of academic programs. The NU College of Law and Public Service strategically utilized a formal process to set up an environment of collaboration and curiosity to aid program directors in digging into 3 years of data. A combination of data from program/sequence information, enrollment and marketing, demographics, progression and persistence, attrition, graduation rates, curriculum, LMS engagement/course evaluations, student voice, program sustainability, and strengths/opportunities were utilized for this process. Several questions were formulated for each data source, and used for action plans/formal assessment of goals and outcomes.
Judith Mathers Maloney, Associate Dean, JFK School of Law, National University
Adia Garrett, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, School of Public Service, National University
Stephanie Johnson, Assistant Dean of Students, National University College of Law and Public Service