California Health Sciences University (CHSU) is committed to aligning its institutional strategies with the new WSCUC standards in order to ensure continuous quality improvement and sustainable growth. This poster presentation illustrates how CHSU strategically integrates its Strategic and Operational Plans, Quality Assurance (QA) framework, and Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) processes to meet specific Criteria for Review (CFRs) under the WSCUC accreditation standards and improve student success and institutional effectiveness.
The CHSU Strategic Plan establishes the institution’s long-term goals and objectives in support of the University mission and aligns with WSCUC standards. The stakeholders of the institution developed an operational plan consisting of action items to help achieve the goals and objectives (e.g., CFRs 4.8).
We established QA processes and developed a comprehensive system of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), for evaluation of the achievement of strategic goals and objectives as well as the effectiveness of academic and non-academic units. In addition to the ongoing assessment of student learning success, this approach promoted a culture of evidence-based decision-making and accountability. KPIs are used to monitor and measure institutional effectiveness, student outcomes, faculty development, program and educational quality. (e.g., CFRs 2.6, 2.10, 3.10, 4.1, 4.3).
ERM further supports this framework by identifying, assessing, and mitigating potential risks that could affect the university’s ability to fulfill its mission. The ERM process helps ensure that CHSU remains resilient and adaptable in the face of challenges such as changes in higher education regulations, technological advances, and financial uncertainties. This supports CFRs related to sustainability and financial stability (CFRs 3.4, 4.6).
By connecting the Strategic Plan, QA (KPIs), and ERM, CHSU demonstrates a comprehensive approach to institutional planning and risk management, ensuring that the University meets WSCUC standards and continuously enhances its effectiveness, transparency, and accountability. This integration fosters an environment of continuous improvement and aligns with CHSU's commitment to delivering high-quality education and preparing future healthcare professionals.
Richele Kleiser, Vice President of Marketing and Communications, California Health Sciences University
Krassimila Zlatanova, Exec. Director of Institutional Assessment Effectiveness & Research, California Health Sciences University
Sreenivasulu N. Pattipati, Associate Dean, ALO, California Health Sciences University