Date & Time
Friday, April 19, 2024, 5:15 PM - 6:45 PM
Building Virtual Cities, Training Real Skills: Cities XXL in E-Learning

Cities XXL is a city-building simulation game where you design, build, and manage a city. The game tasks you with zoning, infrastructure planning, and managing public services. You face budget balancing and citizen satisfaction challenges, aiming for a realistic city-planning experience. In a pre-Covid initiative, students use Cities XXL to simulate urban planning functions individually but collaborate as a group. The game encourages critical thinking, communication, problem-solving, and teamwork. Despite distance learning due to the pandemic, the engaging and fun nature of the game has kept students engaged, enabling the learning outcomes of the Urban Planning I subject to be achieved. Integrating Cities XXL into the urbanism curriculum represents an innovative and constructivist approach to teaching. It leverages the benefits of dynamic digital tools to offer a more interactive, realistic, and comprehensive learning experience, allowing students to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world application. As we advance in developing the urbanism curriculum, it's crucial to integrate such innovations, ensuring our teaching methods are both contemporary and practical. Whether through gamification, AI tools, or international academic experiences, the future of urbanism education lies in dynamic, interactive, and experiential learning.

Session Type
Tracks ARC2024