Date & Time
Thursday, April 18, 2024, 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM
SIG: At the Intersections of AI, DEI, and Social Justice--Learning Together, From Each Other

WSCUC institutions are committed to equity, inclusion, access, diversity, and belonging. However, there is an increasing focus among institutions to move towards Justice. Simultaneously, we are all grappling with numerous issues around edTech and Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how they impact us, our students, and their learning; also, whether they take away from or affirm our justice efforts. 

This year, the DEI Special Interest Group seeks to gather together and be in community with each other as we explore and critically examine various aspects of evidence and effectiveness in how we are tackling these combined, intersecting, multi-layered forces acting on our practice at our institutions. 

We will explore questions like:

  • How is working towards Justice different or similar to working on DEIAB?
  • What are some considerations, transformations, and innovations that need to be explored to live Justice values today?
  • How does AI, EdTech, and Social Justice intersect and how should educational practice reflect the best interests of students?
  • What are the current challenges we are facing given our socio-political realities, and what do students need to learn?
  • How can we maximize our resources to advance the efficacy of our justice, safety, and success efforts?

The above are some of the many questions we would like to explore together. Please come prepared to share success stories and discuss the challenges that you face in your context. If you are interested in DEIAB, Justice, AI's role in education, and/or student success, this SIG conversation is for you. Our open-for-all discussion will be facilitated by practitioners committed to DEIAB and justice in their own distinct ways. 

Session Type
Special Interest Group (SIG)