Date & Time
Thursday, April 18, 2024, 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM
SIG: Reframing the Picture: Focusing on Equity-minded Assessment Practices at Research-intensive Universities

Calling all assessment practitioners, leaders, and advocates! What talk are you talking

Before we can effectively advance equity through assessment, we need to consider and answer a few fundamental questions: 1) What does equity-minded assessment mean / entail? 2) How does context influence our definitions and how we talk about equity & assessment? What would it look like to move from equity-talking to equity-walking?

This special interest group session will engage participants in reflection, discovery, action-oriented conversation, and real-time crowdsourcing of equity-minded assessment practices that have been / can be implemented at research-intensive universities. Lightly facilitated by members of the University of California Assessment Group, this SIG is open to all. 

Session Type
Special Interest Group (SIG)