Date & Time
Thursday, April 20, 2023, 2:15 PM - 3:15 PM
Sustaining Librarian-Faculty Collaborations for Information Literacy: Two-Shot Instruction Model and Assessment at a Small Liberal Arts College
A story about library partners and their willingness to extend Information Literacy assessment collaborations across campus during COVID distractions and other challenges at a small liberal arts college. The presenters discuss dos & don’ts of the process, potholes to avoid, lessons learned, and closing-the-loop activities aimed at the improvement of student performances and engaged faculty in a wider conversation about Information Literacy.
Tatiana Nazarenko, Dean of Curriculum and Educational Effectiveness, Westmont College
Jana Mayfield Mullen, Voskuyl Library Director, Westmont College
Theresa Covich, Instructional Services Librarian, Westmont College
Sarah Skripsky, Director of the Writing Center, Professor of English, Westmont College
Tim Loomer, Assistant Vice President of Research, Planning and Implementation, Westmont College
Jana Mayfield Mullen, Voskuyl Library Director, Westmont College
Theresa Covich, Instructional Services Librarian, Westmont College
Sarah Skripsky, Director of the Writing Center, Professor of English, Westmont College
Tim Loomer, Assistant Vice President of Research, Planning and Implementation, Westmont College

Session Type
Concurrent Session
Tracks ARC2023
Evidence, Effectiveness